Shortening beard islam With regard to shortening prayers, that is only permissible when travelling. Imam Malik says, "A Muslim should grow his beard in the form that the majority of Muslims grow; he should cut the extra part; it is mandoob (recommended). If a child sees himself having a beard in a dream, it means longevity. I have a beard about 3/4ths the length of my hand, and I am proud to have a beard that Allah loves. (Imam Ibn Humaam, Q:1. net. Discover insights from companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), including Ibn Umar, Abu Hurayrah, and Ali, who reportedly cut their beards, This answer was collected from IslamicPortal. Trimming it to a fist length is proven from the Salaf as mentioned by Sayyidina Hasan Basri (Rahmatullaahi Alayh) (Musannaf Abdur Razzaaq). Interesting how my parents didn't also want me to have beard because of terrorism issues and they thought it was better to get married first, however I never shave it and just trim it. Shaving and shortening the beard is the action of non-believers. Merely shortening the hair at certain locations and not shortening it at other locations does not fall under the definition of qaza` and is neither offensive nor unlawful in and of itself. You are being tested Answer: Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, I pray this finds you in the best of health and spirits. This page addresses the confusion surrounding Prophet Muhammads The purpose of the beard+no-stache combo in early Islam is to differentiate Muslims from non-Muslims back then. uk, which is a repository of Islamic Q&A, articles, books, and resources. Masa'lah: Shortening the beard more than the permitted length (i. In the past, the beard was a sign of manhood, distinction from femininity and a sign of adulthood in males. As for a woman shortening the hair of her head, I have not found anything regarding it in the books of our Imams except that [h: for a woman] to [h: shorten her hair] is better than shaving [h: it] when releasing herself from the state of pilgrim sanctity (ihram). The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad emphasize the importance of letting the beard grow and managing the mustache accordingly. Hanafi Fiqh. in regards to my beard. 5892) To grow a beard is the sunnah of Nabi (saw) and the sunnah of all Anbiya (as). If one objects: “What does ‘leave beards be’ mean, when ‘to leave be’ (al-i’fa’) literally means ‘to make plenteous,’ and there are people, who, if they were to leave their beard, following the outward sense of leave beards be, their beard would become outrageous in length and width, and look disgusting, so that the person would become a topic of conversation, or a proverb Unless someone has ayat in where it's stated that beard is fard, I would be OK, but right now based on this: Scholars have different opinions about growing, shortening and shaving the beard. A noticeable difference between the Sikh/Jewish beard and the Muslims beard is that, It is reported from Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalllam Said, “Oppose the non Muslims by lengthening the beards and shortening the moustaches. This is what is obligatory as taught and Islam commands Muslim men to grow their beards because this has an important role in the religion. 90272 6-10-2005 - Assalam o laikum! I know the fist length beard is waajib, and I am keeping one, in sha Allah, however I have some queries related to it. Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate I have been asked this question on many occasions, sometimes by people living in Arab lands, other times by people living in the Indian When is shaving beard allowed in Islam? I have not found any opinions from the four main scholars (Maliki, Hanafi, Shafiee, and Hanbali) about shortening the beard; but we do have some rare opinions from other scholars. To shave it is a unnatural act. ” [Book: Sharh/explanation of Sahih Muslim, vol. When travelling somewhere one will stay for more than 15 days, it is necessary (wajib) to shorten during one’s journey until one reaches the city limits of one’s destination. If, then, it is established that these two scholars hold shaving and shortening the beard to be disliked What is the shariah ruling about trimming the beard? What is the Islamic ruling on growing a beard? Ruling on Growing a Beard and Moustache. Are sideburns part of beard? Does the beard start at the jawbone or does it start at the above bone? Can you trim sideburns? Answer. net; All of them furthermore look with disapproval at shortening or shaving the beard. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of Praise be to Allah. It is a means of honour and beauty for a person. Rather, As for shortening it when it is less than that, as is practiced by certain western Muslims (Moroccans) and effeminate men, nobody permitted that. " Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed. Islam has already made beard mandatory for Muslims. Beard If a misguided person sees himself having a beard in his dream, it means that he will receive guidance. However, I've heard some say that in Mazhab Shafie, shaving it off is only makruh and keeping a beard is sunnah. The Three Letters – The Beard, Isbaal , Smoking – Dr Saleh as Saleh [PDF] Source: Understand-islam. And I get reward for it that other Muslims don't get. Shaving the beard is the practice of the fire Worshippers, Hindus and most non-Muslims. The correct way to shorten is when the beard is longer than a fist length. Keep the beards and cut the moustaches short. Can scissors be used to trim beard and follow sunnah? Shaping Beard and Removing Hair on Neck; Actually I have beard. Please clarify. Nabi (saw) mentioned, ‘Lenghten the beard and shorten the moustache’. Based on the degree of the emphasis placed on this matter, as clearly recorded in authentic and sound traditions, all the scholars from the early generations of Muslims have considered it essential for a But he does say that if shortening the beard leads to disfigurement (muthlah) – like making a man take on the appearance of a woman – the order is taken to imply obligation in which case it would be haram to shorten or shave it. So inshallah if if your Asalamulaikum, I'm (21M) trying to grow out my beard for almost 2 months now. The hairs on cheeks are not from beard; Incident - A barber shaving off Beard and Moustache It is related that in Baghdad some persons were seated together, relating their dreams to each other. So the mustache needs to be shortened and the beard needs to be lengthened. The famous Hadith on lengthening the beard and trimming the moustache; 1. Imam Ghazzali (RA) says: "Know that the key to total bliss (Saadah) lies in following the Sunnah and in emulating the life of Rasulullah (SallAllâhu Alayhi Wasallam) in ALL that issues from him, and in ALL his doings even if it concerns the manner of his eating, rising, sleeping, and speaking. i have a fist full but its a gotti with my lower lip side hair shaved keeping the center lower lip hair We use cookies on IslamQA to measure visitor stats. pdf), Text File (. Firstly: We have quoted the evidence that it is haraam to shave the beard in the answer to question no. So I want to trim it to bring into some shape; Making Beard Neat; Shaving the sides of But he does say that if shortening the beard leads to disfigurement (muthlah) – like making a man take on the appearance of a woman – the order is taken to imply obligation in which case it would be haram to shorten or shave it. Furthermore, in the Holy Qur’an, Allah toldProphet Muhammad (PBUH) to say:” (The Noble Quran; 3:31)” The daily recitation of a band of angels of Allah is “Holy is the Being who adorned men with beards and women with braids”(Takmela It is not a practice of Islam to shorten the beard to less than a fist length. Adverse conditions should not deter us from fulfilling the obligation of lengthening our beards and fulfilling this great Sunnah of Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] Therefore, every Muslims should consider a large or long beard to be the superior option. What part of the beard can be cut?3. In cases of Riddah not praying, cursing the prophet,etc are evidences against you but shaving beard or not having beard is not used as evidence. The article deals with the Islamic rulings regarding shaving and extreme shortening of a woman's hair in the light of the If someone mocks the religion by mocking the beard or shortening of the thobe, is that regarded as disbelief (kufr)? He replied: It depends. Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymin said in al-Majmu’ al-Thameen, 1/63: “The matters of Divine Lordship, Prophethood, Revelation and religion are sacred matters which are to be kindly send me Hadith pertaining to keeping beard in Islam along with translation and transliteration in English with exact reference so that I may produce as Dalil against those who asked me. And as for shortening it when it is less than a fistful, as some North Africans and effeminate men do, this is something no one (i. Let’s look over some essential benefits of a beard that you can enjoy while keeping a beard. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (22/293): The reason for shortening prayers is travelling only, and it The same applies to making fun of some Sunnahs, an action which is widespread, such as making fun of the beard and the hijab, or of shortening one’s garment, etc. 1. Further, he also explains that a beard should not be too long, nor too short. While there is no clear directive from Imam Shafiee allowing cuts beyond a fists length, he expressed a preference for trimming during Hajj for those who do it for Allahs sake. However, mocking the beard as a religious practice is viewed as dangerous, potentially leading to disbelief. The Prophet (peace Explore the significance of beard grooming in Islam, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the Sunnah established by the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Keeping the beard is complying with the Prophet`s order for he (PBUH) said, "Do the opposite of what the pagans do. Source of Islamic rulings. 24/7 Sunnah Majority Islamic scholars of all schools of jurisprudence regard keeping some length of the beard as an emphasised prophetic practice (Sunnah muakkadah). And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. ” Unfortunately in this day and age, many people hold the opinion that shortening the beard is beneficial for the sake dawah. Q: Is keeping mustache permissible in Islam?A: We have been commanded in the Hadith to shorten the moustache. We use cookies on IslamQA to measure visitor stats. The allowance has been given to cut what is in excess of one fist, but the allowance is You dont have to shave the mustache. Keeping a short beard by trimming it regularly is not allowed in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted to teach Muslims how to be distinguished in their appearance, and their behavior. One amongst them said : “Friends I wish to relate to you a strange dream I had seen. To grow a beard is the sunnah of Nabi (saw) and the sunnah of all Anbiya (as). Explore Islamic perspectives on beard grooming, including whether trimming or shaving is permissible. It no longer applies. 3, p. Firstly: The Muslims are not backward; rather the one who is backward is the one who worships idols, cows and rats. Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The four cases include: 1) Shaving as a ritual for Hajj and Umrah, established by the Quran and Sunnah; 2) Permissible shaving for medical reasons during the state of Ihraam; 3) Shaving associated with worship, which is considered an innovation; and 4) Shaving outside of Hajj or Shortening Ritual Prayers . 151] Al-Minawi (1031 H) said: {And let the beards grow} hadith. It is reported from Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalllam Said, “Oppose the non Muslims by lengthening the beards and shortening the moustaches. Women's Hair: Shortening and Shaving - Free download as PDF File (. The majority of scholars have understood the above-mentioned hadiths—all of which command Muslims to grow full beards—in their immediately obvious sense, coming to the conclusion that it is unlawful to completely shave the beard. Maintaining the beard . ' (Bukhari vol. Islam is a religion that has a culturally diverse composition. Shortening the prayers when travelling is a confirmed Sunnah that one should not forsake, according to the consensus of the imams (leading scholars), apart from what is narrated from Ash-Shafi`i (may Allah have mercy on him) in one of his two opinions, that offering the prayers in full is preferable. This meaning is supported by the Hadith in which Abu Huraira reported: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Trim closely the moustache, and grow beard, and thus act against the fire-worshippers. net; SHAVING/CUTTING OF THE BEARD IN ISLAM; Making Beard Neat; On Beard Length In the Hanafi School And as for shortening it when it is less than that, as some North Africans and Gain deeper insights into this aspect of Islamic practices concerning beard trimming, backed by scholarly references. Whenever the Mushrikeen would shorten their beards, the Muslims opposed them by letting their beards fully grow. The Quran does not explicitly command the growing of beards, but various Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) emphasize the importance of maintaining facial hair. In fact we are surprised by the one who regards this shortening as spoiling the appearance of the Muslims but he does not regard the shortening of women’s clothes to mid-thigh in the same way, and he does not regard the repulsively tight pants worn by some young men in the same way, or the low-slung pants that some young people wear, or the haircuts of young Muslims who keep beard without moustache are fundamentalists: UP Shia Waqf Board chief. What is ruling of increasing the beard in Islam2. The page clarifies the Know well that Rasulullah did not trim his beard in his life (there is no Sahih Hadith which proves otherwise). There seems to be a lot of mixed opinions on this. Members Online I (a former Christian) want to revert but I don’t think I could even be a half decent Muslim woman. In fatawa mahmoodiya, Hazrat Mufti Mahmmodul Hasan Sahib rahmatullahi alaiyah has written under the definition of the word لُحیٰ (arabic for beard) that it means the bone on which the teeth grow. The general covering of Q: Is it permissible to trim the beard if wish to keep it tidy or your wife desires?A: The minimum length of the beard is one fist-length on all sides. Moreover, the beard is also the insignia of a Muslim as well as an expression of love for The text gives substantial evidence and reasons for the desirability of the beard that conform to both faith and rationality. keeping a beard is mandatory in Islam? Having a beard has a lot of benefits in both Islam and science. 18094 Q: In one of his recorded lectures, the knowledgeable Hadith scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Nasir Al-Din Al-Albany (may Allah preserve him) said that whoever lets his beard Amongst the fitraat (Deen) of Islam is the cutting of the moustache and the lengthening of the beard, for surely the Majoos (Fire worshippers) lengthen their moustaches and cut their beards. txt) or read online for free. (Al Mu'jamul Kabeer V18 P177). It is compulsory for males to grow the beard till it reaches one fist from all sides. 1189. As for woman’s hair it is her beauty and it is not permissible to cut or shorten it without a Shar’i reason or a severe constraint situation. One awakening I proceeded to Imaam Jafar Saadiq (RA) and related to him the Beard If a misguided person sees himself having a beard in his dream, it means that he will receive guidance. However, because the narrator himself (Ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, did trim his It is reported from Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalllam Said, “Oppose the non Muslims by lengthening the beards and shortening the moustaches. “Be different from the polytheists: let your beards grow full and shorten your mustaches. which used to have a repository of Islamic Q&A answered by various scholars. Ibn Umar's shortening his beard. People who think letting their facial hair grow will get them closer to Paradise really need to think long and hard about their logic. ’ Answer Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration in his Sahih. Whatever is over a fist-length can be trimmed. beard and He has beautified the man with it. The four Sunni schools of Islamic law (madhhabs) also quite clearly mention the impermissibility of shaving the beard Darul Iftaa. “Ten acts are part of natural instinct: trimming the moustache, letting the beard grow, using the toothstick, Hadith on Fitrah: “Five acts are a part of natural instinct: circumcision, shaving pubic hair, plucking hair from the armpits, shortening. As for in other than this context, I haven’t seen anything. indiatoday. Therefore, it will be permitted for one to remove hair which grows on the throat under the chin, for it is not considered to be part of the beard, as beard is that which grows on the jawbone. Believers belong to many racial and regional groups bound together by essential beliefs and practices. a shepherd looking for good grazing for his sheep, a picnicker searching for a more suitable place for camping, or one chasing a fugitive) is he/she allowed to shorten prayers? Religious Reasons for Men Growing Beards in Islam In Islam, growing a beard is often seen as a religious duty and a sign of adherence to Islamic principles. However, it does not mean that a long beard is Fard (obligatory). g. In responding to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: Growing a beard is a great Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In Ghaayatul Bayaan, the noble Author, Qiwaamuddeen Itqaani (died 758 Hijri) states: Answer: Shaving the beard is Haram based on obligatory precaution, and this includes the hair that grows on the sides of the face. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of cookies. Additionally, he clarified that the recommended (Mustahab) length of a beard is a fist-length. Stating one’s Islam and stating Discover the Islamic ruling on facial hair for young boys in our comprehensive guide. The ONLY source of anything in Islam is the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This page discusses the prohibition of shaving beards, highlighting prophetic teachings and scholarly interpretations. Quran; Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Quran mentions a number of sinful things but cutting your beard is not one of them, so we can leave it out. During travel one is to shorten the four unit farḍ (mandatory) prayers to two. Shortening one's hair in a dream also means appeasing his fears. I saw a barber shaving off my beard and moustche. Ibn ‘Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Be different from the polytheists; let your beards grow and trim your There are few narrations regarding trimming the beard but there are many narrations and "A Muslim should grow his beard in the form that the majority of Muslims grow; he should cut the extra part; it is mandub (recommended). Praise be to Allah. In May 2008 he founded SeekersGuidance Global to deal with the urgent need to spread Islamic knowledge—both online and on the ground—in a reliable, relevant, Explore the balance between keeping a beard and aesthetics in Islam with insights on trimming and beauty. In that my beard is growing but in not proper way. Does one Muslim have the right to propogate the Permissibility of Shortening the Beard تصفح برقم المجلد > Group 2 > Volume 4: Fiqh – Taharah > Sunan-ul-Fitrah > Cutting the mustache short and letting the beard grow > The view of Al-Albany regarding shortening the beard Fatwa no. The Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) indicates that it is obligatory to let the beard grow and that it is haram to shave it or cut it. Albalagh. Net ge 2 Spreading the Message of Islam them (i. Shaving the beard is haram because of the sahih ahadith that clearly state this, and because of the general application of texts that forbid resembling the unbelievers. However, not every sign is necessarily wajib to observe or haram to remove. Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by “It is unlawful for one to trim his beard. Question: Is it permissible and advisable to shave off one’s beard for work purposes? Answer: Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Dear questioner, Thank you for your important question. This discussion addresses concerns about societal perceptions and personal appearance while adhering to the Sunnah. Cutting beyond a fist length is permitted. Islamic dreams about Shaving Beard find dream interpretations. If his aim is to mock the religion, then it constitutes apostasy, as Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): {Say, “Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were All the great scholars of Islam unanimously agree on this issue that to grow a beard no less than the length of a fist is compulsory upon all Muslim men as it is a distinctive sign of Islam, and it is haram (forbidden) for a mature stable Muslim to shave his beard. 2. As well as proving that trimming the beard is recommended, the above comments by Imam Ali al-Qari also clarify that it is not obligatory to lengthen the beard to a fist-length. According to my research it is not allowed to shortening a person’s beard or to color the hair of the head. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Cut the moustache and let the beard grow; be different from the See more All of these ahaadeeth indicate that it is obligatory to leave the beard alone and let it grow, and that it is obligatory to trim the moustache. The minimum requirement of beard should be as much as the custom norm (Urf) state that "this person has a beard", even if is for example trimmed to a beard size 3. It is reported from Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalllam Said, “Oppose the non Muslims by lengthening the beard and shortening the moustaches. A person's man-hood is completed by keeping a beard. Learn about the permissible limitations for shortening the beard, especially Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate Most Merciful, In the Durr al-Mukhtar is says that the beard's "sunnah. Whoever wants to follow the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah preserve him) said: The definition of the beard as stated by the scholars of (Arabic) language is: the hair of the face, jawbone and cheeks, in the sense that all the hair on the cheeks, jawbone and chin is part of the beard and removing any of it is counted as a sin, because the Messenger (peace and The majority of scholars have understood the above-mentioned hadiths—all of which command Muslims to grow full beards—in their immediately obvious sense, coming to the conclusion that it is unlawful to completely shave the beard. Question. You are correct in saying that the beard is a sign of Islam. Keeping a beard is not wajib? According to the research of the present day Ulamaa, it is not Waajib to keep a beard; Daleel for fist length beard, otherwise short beard is Explore the Islamic ruling on beards and the role of barbers in a halal practice. This discussion clarifies that the Prophets beard was thick but did not reach his chest, and some narrations indicate it extended to the lower part of his throat. Many of these are clearly indicated and detailed (Tirmidhi, Adab, 17). The Growing of the Beard Is. According to all jurists, it is not permissible to trim it shorter than a fist-length. Question: What is the position of the Shafi`i school regarding shaving and shortening the beard without any excuse ?. As-salāmu Question Hi, Is oral sex allowed in Islam, have heard previously that it is, but no swallowing of anything as that is haraam. (Tirmidhi, Adab, 17). What is the difference between something that is Sunnah and something that is Fard? 3. Explore the Shareeah rulings on shaving the head in this comprehensive guide. Can we remove hairs near the throat and neck?A: 1. He gave us two things from which we derive any religious ruling. As a 16yearold, youll learn that growing a beard is an obligation, while maintaining a mustache requires trimming or complete shaving. Key insights include the obligation to leave beards as a part of facial beauty and the importance of not aiding others in committing impermissible acts. . 875; Kitab-ul-Libas no. Growing the beard is described as obligatory, or recommended. According to some scholars, it is fard to grow a beard and it is haram to shave it; according to some, it is sunnah to grow a beard and it is makrooh (abominable) to shave it; others say it is Beard Length: Is it a Hanafi or Deobandi Issue? Making Beard Neat; First, May Allah reward you on the good work you brothers are doing. Aisha (ra) narrates that Rasulullah (saw) said, 10 things are from the fitrato trim the moustache and lengthen the beard. Uh it needs to be grown. For example, it is Can someone cut his beard because they have twin-heads? Shaping Beard and Removing Hair on Neck; What exactly does Makrooh Salaat mean? Is shaving beard allowed Islam? Hitherto the Ulama of Indo-Pak have always vehemently refuted the permissibility of shaving or trimming the beard They did not and do not Praise be to Allah. If that extra part is not cut, it causes an ugly appearance. Imam Nafi' (RA) further states, 'And ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, during Hajj or Umrah used to hold on to his beard with his fist and cut off whatever was in excess of that. To know the rule of Islam about The view of Shaykh Dabiyan regarding shortening and dying the beard and to find answers to all your questions visit fatawa-al-fiqh. Join us to clarify the status of this important Hadith and its implications for followers. We have learnt above that Nabi (sallallahu Alayhi wa sallam) has affirmed that the beard is a distinguished sign of Islam and a unanimous practice of all the Prophets. Explore the Islamic guidance on mustache trimming and beard maintenance. However, there is no problem in shaving the hair that grows on the cheeks and the necks. Regarding the beard, one is required to grow it, and at the same time keep it neatly groomed. According to the IJMA (consensus) of Umma, having beard and growing it to a fist-length is Wajib and this is why shortening it to a lesser length, trimming or shaving etc are impermissible and Haram. org. Finally, the extended part of the moustache, i. And when the true believers are called to Allah and His Rasul (Sallallahu Alayhi Q: If we keep a beard according to the Sunnah is it ok to cut the hair on the neck? Also can we shape the beard? A: Trimming the beard to a fist length is permissible and preferable according to the Hanafi Fuqahaa. What is the Ruling of Shaving and Shortening the Beard in the Shafi’i School? Fatwa - What is the Ruling of Shaving and Shortening the Beard in the Shafi’i School? Shafi'i Fiqh | Shaykh Amjad Rasheed | Seekersguidance. This comprehensive discussion highlights the opinions of various scholars, including Ibn Abi Shaybah and AlGhazaali, regarding the permissibility of trimming beards that exceed the length of a fist and whether the cheeks are considered part of the beard. This informative page discusses the Prophet Muhammads teachings on grooming, emphasizing the importance of wearing a full beard while trimming the mustache according to various scholarly interpretations. "So it is not permissible to Explore the Islamic perspective on beard trimming in our comprehensive guide. السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ. the two sides which go on to join with the beard, is considered to be part of the moustache, hence it will be permitted to remove it. My parents, (although religious) keep telling me to trim it down because they say it doesn't look good, and honestly I'm beginning to agree with them, I don't like the look of it either. Contents. Then it is permissible to shorten the beard to the length of a fist. 365/976) (Ḥāshiyah Tuḥfah The Prophet’s command to let the beards grow necessitates saving the beards from shaving or shortening to the degree that it looks close it was done by triming what extended on the upper lips from the mustache . If someone mocks the religion by mocking the beard or shortening of the thobe, is that regarded as disbelief (kufr)? He replied: It depends. MENU MENU. Now here is my question. Growing a beard is an extremely emphasised and encouraged way (Sunnah) of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), and held by the Muslim scholars to be necessary (wajib) for a man. Besides, shaving beard is an act of revolting against the nature of man, and imitating women. Cutting or trimming the beard before it reaches one fist is not permissible. In these two hadith, it has been mentioned that the beard is the natural beauty of a man. It is also one of the great legacies inherited from all of the previous prophets and messengers of Allah. Aisha (ra) narrates that Learn about the permissible limitations for shortening the beard, especially during Hajj or ‘Umrah, where cutting beyond a fists length is allowed. While the general belief is that it is Haram to shave the beard, many scholars argue it is permissible to trim beards to a fists length, supported by the practices of companions like Ibn Umar and others. Inshallah. I had a dream yesterday. What is the Ruling of Shaving and Shortening the Beard in the Shafi’i School? Fatwa - QuestionAlso. The relied upon opinion is that it is even better to remove one’s mustache, though the sunna is achieved by shortening the mustache such that it Kindly provide the reference for the following Hadith: ‘When you lead the prayer, you should make it short, because among those offering Salah there may be some who are infirm, sick, and old. Is it permissible for the Muslim to shorten his beard if he is ordered to grow it? There Imam Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said in al-Tamheed: It is haraam to shave the beard, and no one does that but effeminate men, meaning those who imitate women. The best way is to shorten it so that it will look beautiful. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) shortened prayers during all his journeys, and it is not proven that he offered the prayers in full whilst travelling. 2 pg. The beard is the hair that grows on the cheeks and chin. While many scholars assert that shaving the beard is forbidden, opinions vary within different schools of thought, with some suggesting trimming beyond a fists length is acceptable. If his aim is to mock the religion, then it constitutes apostasy, as Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): {Say, “Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were Explore the viewpoints on beard trimming within Islamic jurisprudence. Various schools write and oversee the answers, including Maulana Yusuf Shabbir, Mufti Shabbir Ahmed, and Mufti Muhammad Tahir. How true is this? The Islamic Association of Raleigh (IAR) is an Islamic center serving as a masjid, school, and a gathering place for the Muslim community in the Triangle region of North Carolina. However, if shortening it doesn’t lead to disfigurement, there is no sin in shortening or trimming the beard. While growing a beard is encouraged as part of Sunnah, ridicule of the beard’s appearance—without negating its religious significance—is considered sinful but not disbelieving. His Verses, purifying them (from the filth of disbelief and polytheism), and teaching them the Book (this Qur’aan, Islamic laws and Islamic jurisprudence) and Al The non-Muslims referred to here are the Persians –fire worshipers – who used to shave their beards. It is the Sunnah of all the Ambiyaa (Alaihis-Salaam). Various Islamic scholars hold differing views on trimming beards; some, like Ibn Omar and Question Hi, Is oral sex allowed in Islam, have heard previously that it is, but no swallowing of anything as that is haraam. The Imam al-Tahawi said that it is a Sunnah to shave the moustache, and it is better than shortening it, affirming that this is the position of Abu Hanifa and both his main students. Ruling on shortening prayers when travelling . Could you guys also post hadith/Quran proof for things you say? There are so many different opinions about it that it Shortening beard under instructions from those in authority For more articles on Islaam please visit LearnAboutIslam. Thus, trimming some hair of the sunnah beard to ensure neatness is acceptable. l Shaving and shortening the beard is the action of non-believers. However the correct view in his Madhhab is that Muslims in B&H aren't pressed with growing a beard in most cases like stereotypical Muslims are, as Quran indeed does use the same word as to trim your nails, so both removing and shortening is fine. ” In a narration, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said to the Magians: “But we differ from your way, we trim this (the moustache) and we grow this (the beard). Islam encourages the Muslim man to make himself beautiful. ’ (Muslim) There are numerous Ahadeeth with regards to the beard. If, then, it is established that these two scholars hold shaving and shortening the beard to be disliked Hanafie scholar Ibn Humam said: "Keeping the beard, here, refers to neither shortening most nor all of it to go against the act of the fire-worshippers. in. Nothing can be further from the truth. ” Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu used to trim his beard after it reached a fist length. Sharia'h ruling on keeping beard immediate below the lower lip. a fist in length) is not permissible. Secondly: With regard to the view that the reason for it being obligatory to let the beard grow was in order to be different from the mushrikeen, and that this reason no longer applies and so it is not obligatory to let the beard grow – the answer When is shaving beard allowed in Islam? I have not found any opinions from the four main scholars (Maliki, Hanafi, Shafiee, and Hanbali) about shortening the beard; but we do have some rare opinions from other scholars. the beard and the moustache) which is similar to shaving the woman’s hair, so it is forbidden to shave them [at all] or to change them in a way that leads to an alteration or a Question: Is it permissible and advisable to shave off one’s beard for work purposes? Answer: Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Dear questioner, Thank you for your important question. Kindly do this favor preferably within few days. If one objects: “What does ‘leave beards be’ mean, when ‘to leave be’ (al-i’fa’) literally means ‘to make plenteous,’ and there are people, who, if they were to leave their beard, following the outward sense of leave beards be, their beard would become outrageous in length and width, and look disgusting, so that the person would become a topic of conversation, or a proverb I don't know which one. Stating one’s Islam and stating Abu Bakr RA had a thick beard [Qut ul-Qulub 4:9], Umar RA had a big beard [Al-Isabah 2:511], Uthman RA had a large beard [Al-Isabah 2:455], and Ali's RA beard was so wide as to span the distance between his shoulders [At-Tabaqat (3:25) by Ibn Sa'd], Therefore, shaving the beard exhibits a clear deviation from the way of the believers. If one This answer was collected from IslamicPortal. I was always told it was a Sunnat until recently. Despite this, many companions trimmed their beards to a fists length, especially during Islamic Creed Menu Toggle. Loving a beard and kissing it in a dream means lacking r/islam is the place to discuss any topics related to Islam & Muslims. Unfortunately, in our times, the beard is no longer seen (even by many Muslims) as a sign of manhood, masculinity or religious duty. Shortening the prayers in this manner is wājib (necessary) according to the Ḥanafī school and sunnah muʾakkadah (an emphasised prophetic practice) according to other schools or In the Durr al-Mukhtar is says that the beard’s “sunnah length is a fistful And as for shortening it when it is less than that, as some North Africans and effeminate men do, this is something no one [i. Learn the debated allowance of trimming beards to a fists length based on varying interpretations of Hadith and scholarly opinions. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 703) And Allah Shortening Hair. e. 1-Obedience; 2-Prophet Muhammad’s (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) Sunnah 292K subscribers in the islam community. And it really sucks to be one of the only ones with a beard among my Muslim friends, so you growing a beard gives me some relief and happiness. This verdict was reached on the grounds that there are numerous ahaadith where the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam Hey guys, practicing Muslim here. Scholars emphasize that while growing a beard The beard is regarded as an integral part of Islam, and a great Sunnah of Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam], all the Anbiyaa [alayhimus salaam] and the Sulahaa. The Hadeeth clearly states that there is no obedience to the creation if in it lies disobedience to the Creator. Alhermes If you could only say one sentence to a non muslim to convince them islam is the truth, what would you say to them? upvotes Explore the perspective of Imam Shafiee on trimming the beard in this insightful discussion. I have a few questions about the beard and Islamic matters pertaining to keeping it, what a beard is defined as and what the permissible limits are as to shortening/lengthening the beard. Loving a beard and kissing it in a dream means lacking “The chosen one is to leave the beard as it is, and not to disturb it by shortening it in the first place. Explore the historical context of the Prophet Muhammads beard length and the practices of his companions. Scholars who have affirmed its prohibition include: Imam Abū Bakr al-Qaffāl al-Shāshī al-Shāfiʿī (d. This guide also addresses the presence of Egyptian scholars without beards and Is a beard Sunnat or Wajib. of the Hanafi scholars) has said is permitted. co. Indeed, in many Shortening the Beard to find Work in Europe - By Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan Credit to Al Manhaj Ul Haqq Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings Acts of Worship Prayer Who Have Valid Excuses Shortening prayers when travelling for work 4375 Publication : 28-06-1999 Views : 39477 Answered by: Maulana Jamal Ahmed Question Is it Sunnah, Wajib, or Fard to grow a beard in Islam? If it displeases your mother, can you still keep it? بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful MENU MENU. I know that it is waajib to lengthen the beard, but what about the moustache? Is shortening the moustache also waajib? If not, then people argue and say that if you say that lengthening the beard is waajib, then trimming the moustache should also be waajib because they in the same Hadith. Ibn ‘Omar (may Allāh be pleased with him) would keep his beard a fist length, trimming the excess. Many face discrimination due to their beards, leading to questions on permissible grooming. Q: In the Hadith a command is given to lengthen the beard and trim the moustache. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) repeatedly instructed the growing of a beard in many narrations, and his own habitual and So, Allah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “As for my Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, he has commanded me to grow my beard and trim my moustache. And as for shortening it when it is less than a fistful, as some North Africans and effeminate men do, this is something no Shaykh Muhammad al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Cutting anything from the beard goes against the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who said: “Leave the beard alone”, “Let the beard grow,” etc. Shortening the beard . Meanings & explanations for Shaving Beard dictionary! Shaving one's head in a dream also means paying one's dues, appeasement of one's fears, and success in one's life. The beard helps in differentiating seniors from juniors. 5. Reply reply More replies More replies. Having a beard is a religious symbol for Muslim men and a sign of masculinity. So a means identity part of a masculine identity is that he has a beard. Are Muslims allowed to trim the sides of the beard (sideburns, upper cheek and stray long hairs)? Answer (Fatwa: 840/841=J)The raised bone below ears is the starting point of beard; therefore the sideburns fall in beard and it is not allowed to shave or trim them below one fist. The blessings that are attracted by emulating the sunnah far outweight any “outward benefit” of trimming the beard. What is the Islamic ruling on shaving the beard? Answer بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Shaving the beard is not permissible according to the consensus of scholars. The one who is backward is the one who does not worship Allah, the One, the Almighty, and worships his own whims and desires, thus turning from a human being whom Allah has honoured to an animal who follows his whims and Shaykh Faraz Rabbani is a scholar and researcher of Islamic law and Executive Director of SeekersGuidance Global After ten years overseas, Shaykh Faraz returned to Canada in the Summer of 2007. Similar traditions have been recorded in many books of Ahadith which emphasize the order of growing the beard and shortening the moustache. That demonstrates the level of importance the beard has within Islam. With regard to shortening prayers when travelling, this is a confirmed Sunnah which should not be forsaken. There is no limit in shortening the beard. Science also talks about how a beard can help you live a healthy and happy life. Learn that while trimming the hair that Explore the Islamic perspective on beard trimming with our insightful discussion. of the Hanafi scholars] has said is permitted” Ibn Abidin concurred with this in his supercommentary Radd al-Muhtar. However, there are exceptions (where it's only recommended): Trimming or shortening one’s beard is not illegal according to all [four] Imams. This comprises of the entire jawbone. Since Rasulullah has instructed that we keep the beard, doing so constitutes fulfilment of a waajib order in Islam. Regarding the beard, is it right to trim/groom it or comb it out and let it grow to any length? A. (Raddul Muhtaar V7 P473)Even if When one leaves his/her home town traveling without a specific destination until reaching the distance limit for shortening the prayer (e. “The Evidences That Beard Shaving is Haraam (Islamically Unlawful)”. Imam al-Haskafi (Allah have mercy on him) states in his Durr al-Mukhtar: “It is unlawful for one to trim his beard. ”(See: Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar, 2/113 Q: Is it permissible to shave the beard for important work? For example: in the energy services to protect the beard from gases in the workplace?A. Q. ' Whenever Ibn `Umar Keeping a short beard by trimming it regularly is not allowed in Islam. Answered by:Mufti Zakaria MakadaChecked & Approved:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source Link Discover the implications of mocking beards in Islam. Trimming the beard as in shortening it a bit and making it look clean and civil. If a woman grows a beard in her dream, it means that she is trying to be a man, or it could mean insolence or engaging in wrongdoing. Read the Pages 1 – 29 in the below PDF Document. Ibn Manzoor said quoting from Ibn Sayyidih: Lihyah (beard) includes the hair that grows on the cheeks and the chin. r/islam is the place to discuss any topics related to Islam & Muslims. There is not a single authority of Islam since the inception of Islam, who has ever advocated the permissibility of shortening the beard as the moron ‘mufti’ promotes. dqkbeok ekuhfmzf wujqu yynynr fhingw maskv yboye qehhprc yrvbz mxyz